ceausescu last speech transcript


ceausescu last speech transcript

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He answers: I am the president of Romania, and I am the commander in chief of the Romanian army. Copyright 2023 PJMedia.com/Salem Media. That is why the people are fighting all over the country. Elena says: Look, and that they are calling genocide. The produce which the peasants grew was exported, and the peasants came from the most remote provinces to Bucharest and to the other cities in order to buy bread. No one was shot. Another question . These two defendants procured the most luxurious foodstuffs and clothes from abroad. The final speech of the prosecutor follows: PROSECUTOR: It is very difficult for us to act, to pass a verdict on people who even now do not want to admit to the criminal offenses that they have committed during 25 years and admit to the genocide, not only in Timisoara and Bucharest, but primarily also to the criminal offenses committed during the past 25 years. The next he was a hunted man. In 1947, King Michael showed more dignity than you. . The collapse of the narrative doesnt happen in a single big step, but through an accumulation of small, personal, often innocuous refusals. If he no longer has a certain function, he cannot demand anything at all. "This is the final battle," he said. We live in a normal apartment, just like every other citizen. VIENNA, Austria (AP) _ For the first time that anybody could remember, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu was interrupted at a public speech by boos and jeers that began a huge demonstration against him in Bucharest Thursday. I will only speak at the Grand National Assembly. The following is a transscript of the closed trial of Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, as shown on Romanian and Austrian television. Ceauescu's final speech is a speech delivered by Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauescu on 21 December 1989. The prosecutor wants to find out on which basis the trial can be continued. Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceausescu appeared on the balcony of the Central Committee of Comunmunist Party of Romania building, in Bucharest, Romania, on 21 December 1989, and began as he had in years past, with a speech laden with the usual `wooden language`. PROSECUTOR: The terrorists are from Securitate? Elena keeps whispering to him. But their triumph was marred by the first confused reports of fresh bloodshed in the early evening following heavy machine-gun fire in Bucharests Republic Square. PROSECUTOR: Do you not know anything about the order to shoot? Answer this question! The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. They carried out acts that are incompatible with human dignity and social thinking; they acted in a despotic and criminal way; they destroyed the people whose leaders they claimed to be. I do not recognize this court. Here Nicolae Ceauescu steps in and defends her. His country passed from traditional monarchy to troubled democracy to royal dictatorship to military control to occupied territory. This was a coup d'etat. The charges are incorrect, and I will not answer a single question here. Getting a shut-off notice from a utility is also sufficient to claim a hardship exemption. It must be cleared up whether Ceauescu wants to, should, must or can answer at all. ELENA CEAUESCU: We will not sign any statement. Its provisional leader is the 73-year-old former Foreign Minister, Mr Corneliu Mnescu. Sections in italic type are from Austrian television comentary: NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I only recognize the Grand National Assembly. This is our home. Forget what the politicians on Capitol Hill are saying about the prisoner swap. ALISON SMALE December 21, 1989. The English translation is by the U.S. government's Foreign Broadcast Information Service. I am a member and the chairwoman of the Academy of Sciences. Shakespeare dramatized the turnabout in his famous scene. "a chant that was soon picked up by others in the crowd. They were given red flags, banners and large pictures of Ceauescu. Frederich Hayek identified the primary reason why tyrants fall: they rely on the poisoned cup of centralized knowledge. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: She was not a deputy prime minister, but the first deputy prime minister. The crimes against the people grew year by year. He would be executed a few days later. The Three Conjectures at Amazon Kindle for $1.99, reflections on terrorism and the nuclear age ELENA CEAUSESCU: The terrorists are from Securitate. Ceauescu was finally cornered in a small town, where he and his wife were subjected to a summary trial, taken out to the courtyard and shot. Here Nicolae Ceausescu steps in and defends her. , the former US ambassador to Syria, has effectively accused the Obama administration of abandoning genuinely pro-American rebels in Syria thereby allowing the ascendance of al-Qaeda. The next he was a hunted man. They were not really interested in the people. They are not only accused of offenses committed during the past few days, but of offenses committed during the past 25 years. I will not answer any question. The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. What prevents him from doing so? Sooner or later an administration neuters itself from sheer implausibility. . ELENA CEAUESCU: Such impudence! Its not that we dont want to respect the commander-in-chief, one told me sadly. You are guilty of these offenses even if you do not want to admit it. The streets and squares of Bucharest were littered with torn portraits and shattered busts of the President and his wife. You cannot talk to me in such a way! At that very moment, many everyday Romanians saw the weakness of Ceauescu's regime for the first time. TheWashington Timesreports that a top intelligence official is accusing the Obama admininistration of funding a terror network for the next ten years, alleging the administration paid a cash ransom to redeem Bowe Bergdahl. Bundled in drab winter clothing, she was shoved around by armed guards inside a cold, empty building. Only the front rows supported Ceauescu with cheers and applause, with most of the crowd remaining impassive. How can one say something like this? PROSECUTOR: Whether you have ever had a mental illness. He was a cosignatory of an open letter harshly critical of the Ceauescu region which appeared last march. This speech was an annual event and carefully scripted by the regime to insure both success and the appearance of popular support. A voice in the studio said that the army was wholly on the side of the people. The two defendants should also know that they are entitled to a counsel for defense, even if they reject this. NICOLAE CEAUESCU: I will not answer this question. Richard is soon unhorsed on the field at the climax of the battle, and cries out, A horse, a horse, my kingdom for a horse! But wags through the ages have rewritten the lines perhaps less poetically, but more accurately as a hearse, a hearse, my kingdom for a hearse. That sad funereal vehicle is always drawn by teams of corrupt information. At the moment the situation is rather uncertain. Ceausescu refused to answer. What do you say as a citizen? Only a president who is still confirmed in his position can demand to speak at the Grand National Assembly. Thousands of workers were bussed into the square under threat of being fired. The new committee declared its immediate aim was an end to the cult of personality which had developed around the Ceauescu family. Are they the people, or are you paying them? And who brought them into the country? But rebellion begins involuntarily, at the Hayekian level. Elena Ceauescu's last moments were as pathetic as one could imagine. No, no, he says. They were given red flags, banners and large pictures of Ceauescu and his wife. They cultivated the soil in line with your orders and had nothing to eat. A caretaker government was announced within an hour of the dictators capture. Two: Armed attack on the people and the state power, in accordance with Article 163 of the penal code. PROSECUTOR: Why do you think that people are fighting today? Nicolae Ceauescu had been making speeches for over a couple of decades. I will only speak in front of it. Fuelled by the events taking place in Berlin (the wall had come down just a few weeks before) and the ripple impact of the weakening Iron Curtain, Romanians had taken to the streets in . Immediately before them were plainclothes Securitate agents and a row of police militia, who kept the mass of the crowd about thirty meters back from the front of the Central Committee building. VIENNA, Austria (AP) _ For the first time that anybody could remember, Romanian President Nicolae Ceausescu was interrupted at a public speech by boos and jeers that began a huge demonstration against him in Bucharest Thursday. At the beginning, Ceausescu claimed that it is a provocation to be asked whether he was sick. In the essay The Use of Knowledge in Society, Hayek argued that in complex systems the relevant facts are dispersed among many people. The message was apparently sent on the understanding that Mr Ceauescu had been arrested. PROSECUTOR: By now, there have been 34 casualties. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). They were only busy enslaving the people and building up an apparatus of power. The prosecutor agrees, but stresses that they lived in them while the people suffered. President Nicolae Ceauescu was overthrown yesterday and became a fugitive in the country he has ruled for 24 years as remnants of his personal troops fought bitter last battles with regular soldiers and demonstrators in the streets of the Romanian capital. All their property will be impounded. CEAUSESCU: No, we had no palaces. The catastrophic situation of the country is known all over the world. Why did you make the peasants starve? This gang will be destroyed. [3], From Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core, The former headquarters of the Central Committee of the, File:Ceausescu Final Speech - Former Central Committee Building - Bucharest - Romania.jpg, Video of Ceausescus Last Speech, December 1989, Nicolae Ceauescu LAST SPEECH (english subtitles) 1/2, https://infogalactic.com/w/index.php?title=Ceauescu%27s_final_speech&oldid=714636674, Articles with Romanian-language external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, About Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core. They are not only accused of offenses committed during the past few days, but of offenses committed during the past 25 years. Do you want to sign this statement? The charges are incorrect, and I will not answer a single question here. The Lion and the Unicorn: Gladstone vs. Disraeli PROSECUTOR: Who ordered shooting into the crowd? And you might perhaps have achieved the understanding of the Romanian people if you had now admitted your guilt. This is not possible. The Ceauescu administrations Prime Minister, Mr Constantin Dsclescu, and his government were said to have resigned. The final speech of the prosecutor follows: PROSECUTOR: It is very difficult for us to act, to pass a verdict on people who even now do not want to admit to the criminal offenses that they have committed during 25 years and admit to the genocide, not only in Timisoara and Bucharest, but primarily also to the criminal offenses committed during the past 25 years. Witnesses saw scores of people shot down in the centre of Bucharest in the evening and around the burning royal palace where the Ceauescu family had made their home. The workers were augmented by bystanders who were rounded up on Calea Victoriei. The atmosphere was one of jubilation, and the over-riding feeling among the thousands celebrating in the city centre before the shooting began was one of undiluted triumph. PROSECUTOR: Yes, but you are paying the mercenaries. This is a legal trial, and I honor them by defending them. One of the most decisive moments in the Romanian Revolution of 1989 was Ceausescus December 21st speech (or lack thereof). You see, there is no use in talking to these people. Nobody has the right to abolish the Grand National Assembly. I hope that you do not also work for the foreigners and for the destruction of Romania. As hard as it may be to believe, there was a time when . The bill of indictment contains the following points: Genocide, in accordance with Article 356 of the penal code. This is where President Ceausescu gave his final speech in December 1989, before fleeing Bucharest. I ask the court, as the plaintiff, to take note that proof has been furnished for all these points, that the two have committed the offenses mentioned. Earlier, joyful crowds had paraded through the city after reports that Mr Ceauescu had been arrested after trying to flee from the roof of the party headquarters by helicopter. Later reports suggested the couple had been captured. I will not answer you putschists, Ceauescu says. Centralized regimes may seem to collapse suddenly, yet in reality they have been coming apart for a long time. CHIEF PROSECUTOR: Esteemed chairman of the court, today we have to pass a verdict on the defendants Nicolae Ceauescu and Elena Ceauescu who have committed the following offenses: crimes against the people. PROSECUTOR: This would serve your defense. As the crowd becomes more unruly, Ceausescu becomes more confused and he begins arguing with the unseen hecklers.

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