choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly


choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly

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Correct: They sell all kinds of used cars: hatchbacks, sedans, etc. We will choose 10% of those to participate. Compound Sentence. . These other possible parts of a sentence include objects (direct and indirect), complements, phrases, and clauses. The solution that has been accepted in scholarly circles is to use the abbreviations B.C.E. 5. GRAMMAR QUIZ, SENTENCES: Shifts in Tense and. sentence? Sentences. Rewrite sentence to avoid starting with a number. (plural mos.). Nursing is physically and mentally demanding, yet the pay is low. A (n) ________contains the participial and its object which often ends in ing, ed, and en. However, you can place a comma immediately after a period, as you can see above with etc. A. Eleven high schools in the area have a chapter of SADD. Montgomery) At the end of a sentence that sounds like a question but is actually a request or an order. Use sentence case for all other titlesbooks, articles, web pages, and other source titles. Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly. To separate initials before a surname ( L.M. When to use i.e. We have 17 pens, 2 pencils, and 14 markers. Occasionally, zealous believers in a particular faith accuse scholars of cowardice or spiritual compromise because of these abbreviations. Spell them out and capitalize when part of a formal street name without a number: Wilbur Avenue. 60 seconds. Apostrophes are always used with possessive nouns. Alternatively, you can reconstruct the sentence to avoid starting it with a number, especially if the sentence seems awkward because of the number at its beginning. Simple sentence consists of noun and a verb as well as an action word. Chess, the ancient game of kings, has become popular aboard ship. Q. Synonyms. Although the actual dates are uncertain, tradition holds that the Roman author Lucius Annaeus Seneca, known as Seneca the Elder, lived from 54 BC to 39 AD. Use numerals for numbers greater than nine. C. The childrens' parents were nowhere to be found. Use abbreviations sparingly. choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly. Exact amount: $30.12. 6. Georgetown University Investment Office, Whether to use numerals or to spell out numbers as words is a matter of style. .". Cackling deliriously, the warlock's minions danced around the boiling cauldron filled with newt's eyes, bee's knees, and coriander. 30 seconds. Earl Scruggs's technique was so distinct and innovative that, in fact, today every bluegrass band has to have a banjo player employing "Scruggs style." Phrase fragment b.) Choose the sentence that is punctuated correctly. If a word ends in a letter other than s, add an apostrophe s. Choose the sentence that uses s apostrophe correctly. Whatever the material inside the parentheses, it must not be grammatically integral to the surrounding sentence. Those sentence are using customary abbreviation for ''that is'' or ''id est'' and that is i.e. The band struck up with "Hail of the Chief'; the President then walked into the auditorium. If the expression is The numbers, whether of kings or of years, cannot have been handed down to us correctly by the Greek writers. Question: correctly. No I never said you stole the money did I? "Ready to go!" Choose the answer showing the correct use of italics. choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly. Again, overuse of parentheses or dashes can be . Occasionally, zealous believers in a particular faith accuse scholars of cowardice or spiritual compromise because of these abbreviations. 12.5 mL of 1.0 N HCl was added to the reaction mixture. Parenthetical citations are always included inside sentence punctuation. The period is used to indicate the completion of a declarative sentence and also to conclude an occurrence of multiple abbreviations. C) I took Angie the one with the freckles, to the movie last night. Cooked vegetables cut in thin strips or in Julienne style are often used to add color, flavor, and nutritive value to a soup. IEEE Article Templates . In the case of Either/or, if the subject close to the verb is plural, then the plural subject takes plural verb. Sentence construction: A sentence is about collecting words conveying meaning or sense according to logic of grammar. in which of the following sentences is an abbreviation used correctly? Choose the sentence that presents numbers correctly. b.) Proofread the paragraphs to correct the punctuation, capitalization, and spelling errors. William the Conqueror led the Norman invasion of Britain in A.D. 1066; since then, the U.K. has never been successfully invaded. Choose which sentence that uses commas correctly. When I asked the famous spy what kind of paper he wanted for his printer, he answered, "Bondwhite bond." However, you can place a comma immediately after a period, as you can see above with etc. Setting off incidental information. If you make a list and want to number the items within a sentence, you can use parentheses to distinguish the numbers from the items. a.) *A. Eighty seven percent of people qualified. Take this sentence for example: Beware of the upcoming typhoon, the weather forecaster warned on national television. Tip #7: Using numbers for money in a sentence. Exact amount: $30.12. the novel *Fear of Flying* by Erica Jong For exact amount, use digits for correct punctuation. Name the metric units commonly used in medication administration, from smallest to largest. b. Jim ate the sandwich. Denmark, a Scandinavian country, is near Germany. When years like 1900 and 2000 are abbreviated, they are pronounced as the unabbreviated year would be. In her introduction at the commencement ceremony, the college president declared that "for a whole generation of young women, she (Senator Hillary Clinton, the keynote speaker) serves as an inspiring reminder that the only limits on what we can achieve are the limits we impose on ourselves." Form the plural of written-out numbers by adding s or es. Q. However, if an incomplete sentence leads into a displayed list, use no punctuation. "Somebody said "No" to me!" To indicate possession 2. B.His birthday is sept 28. What is the rule when adding an apostrophe s to a word to indicate possession? 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The Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) was given b. to all left-handed (LH) women after A(n) ________contains the participial and its object which often ends in ing, ed, and en. "Robert," she asked, "isn't Tuesday your birthday", The doctor asked, "How did it happen?" natl for national) whenever appropriate this avoids interrupting the flow of the paper with lengthy citations Capital letters are not really an aspect of punctuation, but it is convenient to deal with them here. . Which of the following is an introductory word? The guitar, which has six strings, and the banjo, which has five, are the two most common instruments in bluegrass music. If you are listing or numbering something in a sentence, we can place the numbers or letters in parentheses to make it easier to read. 2. Q. (Request) Please arrange an on-site meeting. Choose the properly punctuated sentence. Lists and Phone Numbers. The following sentence uses abbreviations correctly: Dr. Ernst Ruska, Ph.D. won the Noble Prize in Physics in 1986 for inventing the electron microscope. Which of the following sentences demonstrates the correct use of an apostrophe when expressing the possessive form of a plural noun? The van pulled up. sixes. (Request) Please arrange an on-site meeting. Compound Sentence. Rule 1 (Use period after etc.) We will choose 10% of those to participate. . Rule 5 (Do not use introductory phrase with etc.) Weegy: 1. This second rule highlighted in Websters Rules of Punctuation is straightforward: Use parentheses around numbers or figures in a list within your text. His birthday is Sept. 28. Apostrophes are always used with possessive nouns. (a) The first word of a sentence, or of a fragment, begins with a capital letter: The bumbling wizard Rincewind is Pratchett's most popular character. Which of the following sentences is correctly punctuated? Q. Pointing to a tiger, a visitor said, "We have the same thing in Korea. For example: Please add the following three documents to your application: (1) a profile photo, (2) a cover letter, and (3) at least four contactable references. Lists and Phone Numbers. No I never said you stole the money, did I? Seventeenth-century England, faced with open rebellion by Parliament itself, the United States of the 1860s, torn between the federalist North and the secessionist South, and modern-day Iraq, wracked by the rivalries between Shiites, Sunnis, and Kurds, have all suffered fratricidal civil wars. In MLA, avoid abbreviations, but when abbreviations are used for the following, always use numerals: lbs., a.m. or p.m., %, KB, $ Here are three examples: 4 lbs. Question 1. mo. To mark the end of an incomplete sentence (or sentence fragment) In abbreviations with lowercase letters ( e.g., i.e.) But it still refers to the noun phrase ( their cats) rather than describing the adjective ( happy ). d. In our neck of the woods. There are branch offices in Columbus, Oh., and Laredo, Tx. The guitar, which has six strings, and the banjo which has five, are the two most common instruments in bluegrass music. (2) Use PARALLELISM for items in a list. There are branch offices in Columbus, Ohio, and Laredo, Texas. (2) Use PARALLELISM for items in a list. (Statement) A gold mine is a hole in the ground with a liar at the top. So we want to use that abbreviation consistently once we introduced it once. Keep the bandage on for at least 3 hrs. Neither abbreviation should be used in the absence of a number. A. Thirteen of Governor Schmidt's office workers were indicted in the scandal. choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly. Per Wikipedia Numero sign, it's also possible to use " N " and " No ": The numero sign or numero symbol, (also represented as N, No, No. Montgomery) At the end of a sentence that sounds like a question but is actually a request or an order. Choose the answer that shows how the word intellectual would be hyphenated if it had to be divided at the end of a line. The U.S. Treasury depends, for the bulk of its revenues, on the tax funds collected by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The parenthetical material might be a single word, a fragment, or multiple complete sentences. Men everywhere say they want to know: what do women want? C. Dangling modifier c.) Run-on sentence d.) Misplaced modifier A 2.) Choose the sentence that uses abbreviations and numbers correctly. 30 seconds. (Assume that the sentences are written in MLA style.) "Mister" Ralph Cramdon drives a bus in New York City. To ask a question, issue a command or make an exclamation you would use a different type of sentence: interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. In the dead of night. a.) Normal human body temperature is said to be ninety-eight point six degrees Fahrenheit, but in fact, there is great variation.b.

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