how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet


how do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet

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\quad\text{Interest accrued on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{264.1}&\text{254.4}\\ C. terrorist incident D. Address the man's medical needs, During which phase do survivors attempt to assess the damage and locate other survivors? In these instances, CERTs become a vital link in the emergency service chain. \qquad\text{Total property, plant, and equipment, net}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}2,154.1}}}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}1,174.6}}}&&\underline{\underline{\text{\hspace{2pt}979.5}}}\\ CostAccumulatedDepreciation/AmortizationNet, DefenseOthersDefenseOthersDefenseOthersBuildings,structures,andfacilities384.1275.3230.1150.8154.0124.5Furniture,fixtures,andequipment1,054.5172.7639.7113.3414.859.4Constructioninprogress118.146.5N/AN/A118.146.5Land10.713.0N/AN/A10.713.0Internalusesoftware9.533.,plant,andequipment10.310.85.510.35.3Subtotal1,588.2565.9876.3298.3711.9267.6Totalproperty,plant,andequipment,net2,154.11,174.6979.5\begin{array}{lrrrrrr} What type of bleeding is this? C. Balance work, play, and exercise "What became clear early on was that there was a need to . * Limited access to fuel, e.g., pumps that may not work Do not exercise B. C. Your agency or group ID What is the first thing you should do? Generally, why do people join a CERT? D. 3 week, what kit: Other prescription drugs* Contact lenses and supplies* Entertainment (games, books) Damage to . You notice a nearby shed is posted with an NFPA 704 Diamond featuring the numbers 1, 1, a Individuals and communities can work together to improve preparedness and respond to disasters and emergencies. . C. Assess for airway, bleeding, and low body temperature The CDP also offers a host of virtual training deliveries. The survivor is in shock 7 we don't do anything normal. A. 10 & 113 & \text{Jenkins Co.} \hspace{63pt} & \left(\text{b}\right) & \hspace{5pt} 1,050\\ A more resilient community will be able to Community coalitions ______________ relationships, a framework for organizing community preparedness efforts, Examples of Natural disasters (alphabetical), blizzards, earthquakes, extreme heat, floods, hurricanes, landslides, thunderstorms, tornadoes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, Examples of Technological & Accidental disasters (alphabetical), hazardous material spill, oil spill, nuclear power plant accident, radiation leaks, Examples of Terrorism disasters (alphabetical), biological, chemical, explosive weapons, nuclear, radiological, (1) relatively unexpected Markup =$75= \$75=$75; markup rate of 60%60\%60% based on the selling price. * Extinguishing small fires \end{array} What should you do first? You have reason to suspect that this boy is suffering from: \textbf{UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT}\\ \textbf{(in billions of dollars)}\\ &\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}&\textbf{Defense}&\textbf{Others}\\[5pt] An example of a non-disaster function of CERTs is: answer choices. \quad\text{Interest paid on Treasury securities held by the public}&\text{(262.7)}&\text{(243.5)}\\ - build a _____ room, anchor, shutters, doors, shutoffs, flexible, slabs, safety, CERTs respond to disasters by: Locating and turning off _____, if safe to do so, CERTs respond to disasters by: Extinguishing _____ fires, CERTs respond to disasters by: Treating _____ injuries until professional assistance can be obtained, CERTs respond to disasters by: Conducting light _____ operations, CERTs respond to disasters by: Helping disaster survivors cope with their _____ stressors, A CERT member's first responsibility is ______ and _____ safety, How a group response is orchestrated is defined by the ______, ______ is defined as the meeting area for CERTs. a. granted when the judge believes there is an "immediate or present danger of abuse (4) staff first aid booths at special events A. D. Can my buddy and I escape? \quad\text{Other monetary assets}&\text{1.9}&\text{0.6}\\ suppressionofgeneexpressionbydouble-strandedRNAh. Score 1 User: Generally, why do people join a CERT? avoid wooden shake and shingles, clear flammable vegetation from home. UNITEDSTATESGOVERNMENTStatementsofChangesinCashBalancefromUnifiedBudgetandOtherActivitiesFortheYearsEndedSeptember30,2016,and2015(inbillionsofdollars), CashflowfromunifiedbudgetactivitiesTotalunifiedbudgetaryreceipts3,266.73,248.7Totalunifiedbudgetaryoutlays(3,854.1)(3,687.6)Unifiedbudgetdeficit(587.4)(438.9)Adjustmentsfornon-cashoutlaysincludedintheunifiedbudgetInterestaccruedonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic264.1254.4Agenciesyear-endcreditreformsubsidyre-estimates(12.7)26.8Subsidyexpenseaccruedunderdirectloan&guaranteeprograms11.8(22.0)Subtotal-Adjustmentsfornon-cashtransactionsinunifiedbudget263.2250.2CashflowfromactivitiesnotincludedinunifiedbudgetCashflowfromnon-budgetactivitiesInterestpaidonTreasurysecuritiesheldbythepublic(262.7)(243.5)Otherdirectloantransactions(80.3)(119.9)Repaymentofprincipalondirectloans(11.6)17.4Otherguaranteedloantransactions(10.2)9.8Miscellaneousliabilities1.6(0.3)Depositfundliabilitybalances(0.7)20.5Seignorage0.60.6Subtotal-cashflowfromnon-budgetactivities(363.3)(315.4)CashflowfrommonetarytransactionsLoanstotheIMF0.93.0Othermonetaryassets1.90.6Specialdrawingrights(0.3)(2.9)Subtotal-cashflowfrommonetarytransactions2.50.7CashflowfromfinancingBorrowingfromthepublic8,390.47,037.5Repaymentofdebtheldbythepublic(7,343.3)(6,700.6)EffectofuninvestedprincipalfromtheThriftSavingsPlan(TSP)GFund(203.2)203.2Agencysecurities0.10.1Subtotal-cashflowfromfinancing844.0540.2Other0.53.4Changeincashbalance159.540.2Beginningcashbalance305.1264.9Endingcashbalance464.6305.1\begin{array}{lrrr} D. Increased risk of fire or electrical shock, What are possible communication systems impact? D. kitchen items, what kit: Medicine dropper Whistle Landline telephone What should you do? This course educates ordinary people about disaster preparedness and weapons of mass destruction. Survivors unable to phone for help or reach service providers an organizing of agencies' activities before and emergency or disaster, EOP describes how people and property will be ______, EOP ______ personnel, equipment, facilities, supplies, and other resources, all members of the community should: learn about community ______ and ______. Six Neighborhood preparedness will enhance the ability of individuals and neighborhoods to reduce their emergency needs and to manage their existing resources until _____________________________________________, professional assistance becomes available. \textbf{Statements of Changes in Cash Balance from Unified Budget and Other Activities}\\ The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) program educates volunteers about disaster preparedness for the hazards that may occur where they live. It is critical that all community members take steps to prepare in advance of an event. *Volunteer programs. A Word on What Could Happen How can you reduce fuel sources near your home? geneticmosaics8. Install hurricane storm shutters to protect windows B. 1112EnvironmentalSafetyCo.(a)$2,62510113JenkinsCo.(b)1,05018114Eco-Systems(c)1,60027115TEKCorp.(d)965$6,240(e)\begin{array}{rccc} A critical early decision in disasters is decided whether to stay or change locations, Seek _____ air and _______ breathing passages, protect from debris and signal others for help, What do you take to a mass care or community shelter. C. Injury or electric shock Through pre-event planning, neighborhoods and worksites can also work together to help reduce injuries, loss of lives, and property damage. Clean drinking water and sanitation are important protective actions. Damaged roads and disrupted communications systems may restrict the access of emergency response agencies into critically affected areas. * Risk of asphyxiation. \quad\text{Agency securities}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{25pt}0.1}}\\ * The public. harbor freight pay rate california greene prairie press police beat greene prairie press police beat C. hazardous spill Possible Effects are: Possible Effects: How should you proceed? * Ambulances prevented from reaching survivors \end{array} Protect yourself from debris and signal rescuers if trapped 5. atagusedtofollowproteinsinlivingcells\begin{array}{ll} 2. Attempt to suppress the fire again with a new extinguisher (6) report suspicious activity B. C. Physically restrain her from entering Again compute predetermined overhead rates in the Milling and Finishing Departments. AN ACT to amend the civil practice law and rules, the correction law, the executive law, the vehicle and traffic law, the village law and the state finance law, in relation to eliminating certain surcharges and fees; to amend the correction law . D., Where can you find information about cert readiness? b. food businesses, homeless shelters B. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Where can you find information on Ready Prepare. encodeproteinsthataccumulateinunfertilizedeggsandareneededforembryodevelopment11. B. first aid kit 2) Volunteer Protection Act of 1997, Citizen Corps is the grassroots movement to strengthen community safety and preparedness through increased civic participation. Communication Systems B. aDNA-bindingmotiffoundincertaintranscriptionfactorsj. a written law passed by a legislative body, advanced first aid, CPR skills, and AED usage, Chapter 3: Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned, Foundations for Population Health in Community and Public Health Nursing, Practical vocational Nursing book Chapter 8 &. Do the greatest good for the greatest number., assist emergency services personnel when requested, assume some of the same functions as emergency services personnel. 4 drops Find the selling price. Incident Command System (ICS) B. C. Chair carry How do CERT volunteers prepare for disaster? Transmission loss B. disaster supply kit 4 drops On say yes the the dress, claudia oshry aka social media star "girl with no job" How do cert volunteers prepare for disasters quizlet; Source: B. sugar, salt, pepper C. Emergency operations plan *Intentional (terrorism using chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, orexplosive weapons). Score .6. \text{Custodial Services}&&65,400\\ Community leaders have a responsibility to participate in How can community leaders help prepare their community for a disaster/emergency? dividethebodyintoidenticalunits(segments)2.initiatedbythebindingofligandtoreceptor3. You come across a man who is in shock and bleeding from his chest. CERTs are a _______________ to professional responders until they are able to arrive, Community preparedness is a ________________ in lessening the impact of disasters. The Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) offers more than 50 training courses at its resident campus in Anniston, Alabama, and through mobile deliveries, focusing on incident management, mass casualty response, and emergency response to a catastrophic natural disaster or terrorist act. D. Limited access to fuel (e.g., pumps that may not work), What is a possible impact of water service damage? Displaced appliances and office equipment can cause. faulty wiring, overloaded plugs, frayed electrical cords, home appliances left unattended, You need to have the skills to ___________ the situation quickly and take _________ action to protect yourself. Financial Services D. isolate sick individuals from the overall population, What are examples of community disasters? They are natural, terrorist, home fires, pandemic and ______________. C. Search and Rescue System (SRS) A. 1101827InvoiceNo.112113114115AccountDebitedEnvironmentalSafetyCo.JenkinsCo.Eco-SystemsTEKCorp.Post.Ref. You walk over to find a young boy who has glass shards in his leg and is unable to walk. * Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department) b. Assigns responsibility to organizations and individuals for carrying out specific actions at projected times and places in an emergency that exceeds the capability or routine responsibility of any one agency (e.g., the fire department); (7) volunteer. Three CERT volunteers are first on the scene of a car accident and provide assistance. b. \text{Land}&\text{10.7}&\text{13.0}&\text{N/A}&\text{N/A}&\text{10.7}&\text{13.0}\\ C. "I'm not part of the Terrorist Response Team." & \textbf{Accounts Rec. B. C. Two whenanullalleleisdominanttoawild-typeallelei. Leave the premises An example of a non-disaster function of CERTs is: A. household documents and contact information

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