is the violet flame dangerous


is the violet flame dangerous

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I have no karma as Yoganandas has taken it all from me. The purpose of the purifying is to make your life more comfortable for a higher kingdom to live in you and become more physical. The ascended master called Saint Germain had released his teachings about the power of violet energy. Read More. Take up the Sword. For instance, the aura of someone who is in a state of contemplation, study or meditation might have the presence of a yellow light, a violet light and even a blue lightthe blue indicating faith in God. My email is if you would like to connect! Each time you transmute the records of a past life with the violet flame, you gain a new sense of your soul's liberation. When I do these decrees for an hour I do feel blissful tingly all over! Thats it! The Violet Flame - Wikipedia These However, the emission spectrum may not have significant spectral lines in the human eye visible range and that would require some checking on your part. These books are Unveiled Mysteries and the Magic Presence by Godfre Ray King ( Guy Ballard) These concepts are truly revolutionary. With palms facing upwards, your hands should rest on your upper legs. And please feel free to check out these free online lessons: This beautiful, blazing, singing flame is truly the wine of forgiveness, the wine of the Holy Spirit. To people who have developed their spiritual sight, the violet flame looks like fire, in colors ranging from dark indigo and brilliant amethyst to violet pink. Even more powerfully, we can affirm the energy of the violet flame into our lives by means of the Science of the Spoken Word. Since I didnt understand my power I looked at the window again. One step begins the trek of a thousand miles. Then I started feeling the tingling and feeling off. MOTHER and decrees have put me on the right path. I went to the doctor for a year with various tests and the main thing they came up with was HPylori and only options was Pharma. Doing the Decrees is working your Throat Chakra so it may have just brought it up to the surface faster than if you did no decrees. The Ascended Master Saint Germain is calling you as a fellow spiritual alchemist to fan the flame of joy, transmutation, mercy and resolution. By transforming negative thoughts and feelings,. The Violet Flame is a miraculous spiritual energy. Anger indicates that youve become your story.fear indicates that you are living in the future. Is there a scientific evidence that the violet flame works? When one's pursuit of science becomes tainted by a materialism and ignorance of God's laws, then the green of the aura no longer reflects the pure emerald hue of the stone by that name, but it becomes muddiedan olive drab, even a brownish green. You dont have to worry if you are just beginning to practice the violet flame of St. Germain meditation. God is giving us lots of amazing tools now to help us realize our true selves our beautiful, loving, peaceful and blissful souls! It was an awful experience with anxiety and panic. All you need is a peaceful and quiet place to say some prayers to invoke the light. Was he wearing modern day clothing? Do you know the power of Violet Flame? - WeMystic That means, it has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level.. Like prayers, decrees are spoken petitions to God. If there is a pale yellow, almost golden, light in the aura of an individual, especially around the head, we know that there is flooding through that one's mind, as Kuthumi says, the fingers of cosmic intelligence. This energy present within the aura enables the mind of man to contact the universal Mind of God. Then let go of the memory and let a bright white sun replace it in your mind's eye. I came to the conclusion it might be TMJ as it can have a host of symptoms. I hope to explore these ethereal retreats in the coming months. At this very moment, I am holding Gaia in . It can be very helpful during those moments when we feel weak, low on energy, fatigued, anxious, fearful etc. I too do other healing energy work. The violet flame is very powerful and transmutes all negativity and transgressions that you may have in this lifetime or past lifetimes. The violet flame EXPLAINED | Episode 1 - YouTube We have all made mistakes in the past or we wouldn't be here today. Observe how the violet flame begins radiating its light through your hands toward the situation in order to transform it. Just clarifying that I do not have any mental health issues but I do feel that this have a spiritual significance. Fear is a Human Trait not an your I AM Presence, the Angels, or the Ascended Masters. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? I thought I have time to learn to meditate and do VF decrees. Thank you so much!! Although this is a theoretically possible explanation for spontaneous human. It feels like the muscles are all seizing up and tightening up inside the ribcage. Paula. Violet Flame Meditation: 5 Steps To Harnessing Positive Energy, Violet Flame: Alchemy for Personal Change, Saint Germain: Mystery of the Violet Flame, Violet Flame to Heal Body, Mind and Soul (Pocket Guides to Practical Spirituality), The Violet Flame All In One Handbook: Real time modern applications & Violet Flame Decrees (SSD). Every cell has its original Divine Blueprint of Perfection. Peace indicates that you are living in the present! Last one on appearances and your I AM Christ self will show you your appearance for you to through in the violet flame for purification because you have claimed you are on a spiritual journey. Thanks so much! Kriya yoga too does transmute Karma in the tree of light just maybe not as strongly as the violet flame. The Violet Flame is a magnificent healing tool. We recognize their continued connection to the land and waters of this beautiful place and acknowledge that they never ceded sovereignty. We can treat illnesses with proper medical care, but spiritual energy also helps balance our physical, mental, and emotional health. I saw a being fly into or through or by my third eye while interiorized and I asked my pendulum if it was St. Germain and got a yes! This is why violet-flame angels have that motto of keeping on keeping on. Archangel Michael: Keepers of the Violet Flame - Era of Light A violet flame is a guide for self-transformation, but we must find the right mindset to make it work. I have been advised by a pychic that they (other realms) want me to write my book and she knew it was in 3 parts! You can work out your violet-flame routine in communion with your Higher Self. So you need to seal your aura with the white and blue protective energy. I always had a deep soul call and a yearning to participate in making the earth a better place to live. What is the Violet Flame? | How to Use Violet Flame They both deliver the gift of freedom, justice, mercy, fresh energy, and a new civilization. I am interested in a meaningful answer if possible, not just an invitation to the flame decree. There could be a burst of fear from the solar plexus, accompanied by feelings of butterflies and extreme tension. lol, Thank you. For our ancestors, fire must have seemed magical: it brought us together, encouraged us to share stories, reflect, and enter deep meditative silence. I already felt incredible energy moving in me and lots of bliss, plus see the third eye and the Light of God at my third eye plus impressions of saints and symbols. The violet flame is a powerful symbol and form of imagery that can be used as a catalyst for our spiritual journeys. You will not spill the cup as soon as it is filled and fail to make any permanent progress on the path of discipleship. Its all energy. The Summit Lighthouse and Pearls of Wisdom are trademarks registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and in other countries. Violet is also the color of the seventh ray which is a concept that has appeared in several religions and esoteric philosophies. So my life now is all about service and reaching the higher states first the Christ then the Cosmic Union with God the Father State. Violet Flame Meditation (Updated in September 2022) - English guided It is the coalesced spiritual energy of love, mercy, justice, freedom and transmutation. As you use the Violet Flame which is the Cosmic Purifying Detergent it is purifying all discordant energy in your feeling side of life that you have locked into the very cells of your physical body and your KARMA. Let me know if you would like to talk or email each other. Ever walk into a room where people are, The Wonderman of Europe Father of World Freedom and the Aquarian Age The idea of the Spiritual Brotherhood, The Call Compels the Answer! I am so glad for you. Violet Flame: what to know. There is always this force of the negative energy being attracted to the positive energy to bring it down is one way to look at it or another way is that the negative energy wants our positive energy and will steal if from us if we do not have the protection of the invisible saints and angels beyond finite creation. You never know when on that pathway you will meet your mentor Saint Germain face-to-face. Invoking spiritual energy through the use of dynamic decrees, visualization and divine feeling is also a great key that I would not overlook. I did enjoy using VF , but do you think it caused all that tightness in my neck? I almost feel it overwhelmed me. What a great gift has been given to mankind.all we need to do is believe! Thus, if we increase the light of purity and of the violet flame through our mantras and our prayers to God, we will also accelerate our consciousness on the white and violet rays. By letting the positive energy flow, we help with the healing process and self-transformation. How to Use the Violet Flame Daily - The Violet Flame He explains that the interference with the aura in its natural, pure state by the mortal consciousness and by the misqualification of light creates negative colorations. addition, rubidium ignites in oxygen, burning with a characteristic red-violet flame (O'Neil, 2006). Be grateful that you are here and that you have the opportunity to erase those records with the violet flame. The violet flame is for those who yearn to break out of their negative family patterns; to free themselves and others from the ups and downs of human emotions; to heal wounds of the body, mind, and heart; and finally shake off the karmic chains of the past. With my jaw clenched I had no strength to resist when he pushed down on my arm. Call to Archangel Michael for your spiritual protection before you give the Violet Flame decrees. Then, casting the beam out of his own eye, he can see clearly to take the mote out of his brother's eye.By the purification of your perceptions, you will be able to enjoy the entire process of beholding the Christ in self and others, as one by one the little disturbances of the aura are cleared up through the natural manifestation of the childlike beauty of cosmic innocence. Saint Germain continued to reach souls of light through the Messengers Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet and The Summit Lighthouse from the 1960s through 2000. He didnt think I had TMJ.He asked me to stand up. It is the elixir of the age. I then visualized it reuniting with my physical body. So you still have blockages there and they are emotionally and spiritually based and the Chiropractor is not the doctor to clear those items only your Beloved I AM Presence and you! A poweful and effective affirmation when you experience a negative thought .I AM invoking the violet flame to transmute anything less than Love and Light f. Using the name of God in such a way creates an interactive relationship with Spirit you become a co-creator through the power of decrees. If youve ever seen a popular depiction of an alchemist, witch or magi, theres often a concoction being mixed up in a fire, with the flame turning into a violet color when the potion is successful. It is definitely safe to harness the power of this healing method yourself. Whatever you may have manifested in the past through your words, thoughts, deeds, or acts can now be transmuted and released into the light. I hope you will know the joy of becoming one of the thousands of people all over the world who have transformed their lives with this miracle solventthe highest gift of God to the universe. "If we will visualize ourselves standing in this sphere of violet light and feel that violet flame passing through all of our consciousnessour mind, our feelings, our emotionsthis . Great question. When we let the divine light in, we accept things as they are and look at our mistakes as lessons. First who was the person in the room telling you to look at your power?

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