loud house fanfiction lincoln and ronnie anne run away


loud house fanfiction lincoln and ronnie anne run away

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"Lincoln. What you did on Friday was unforgivable, and I felt personally scarred for what happened. She looks at her son with a angry look, Woman: "Mitchel, that is no way to behave! Lincoln hands Lily to Ronnie Anne, who has a smile on her face. Lincoln: "Uh-uh. "Dear God", he thought to himself, before turning to Ronnie Anne, who was crying under her shoulder. Ronnie Anne pulls out Lily's blanket, which looks good as new. Lola: Especially his underwear on the outside! That was The Final Straw For Lynn Sr And Rita They Can't Take It anymore with Lincoln But He Ran Fast As He could But Lynn Got Him at The Last Second they dragged Him Into Vanzilla As they were doing so Lincoln Yells At Them to stop and went Ballistic about They Should apologize to Him And Threatens to Break Up With Ronnie Anne That Makes Lori Upset And Burst Into Tears, Finally That was Enough for Lynn Sr he Grabbed Lincoln By The arm and Closed the door withLincoln's sisters They chew him out Of His actions But Lincoln Explains That He and Ginrai were Trying to Help Lady Amalthea But They Didn't Care About it They Yelled at Him about what He said And Made Lori Cry. A couple minutes later, Lily is finished eating and she burps. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. (The kids all cheer, as the kids then line up near the stage, with Lincoln at the end of the line). "I'll, um, go talk to her" Lincoln muttered and stood up, making his way down the hall to the bathroom where Ronnie Anne hid. Loud House + Helluva Boss Crossover. Lori: Leni, she's only a baby, she can't talk yet. What do you say Lily? They hear the door knob move and the door opens, right before they broke apart from the hug. It's banana flavored. ", Lincoln: "Well, Leni has some in her and Lori's room. It wasn't me! Leni: Well, him and Bobby are friends now. We all should be sorry! Lincoln notices that Lily fell asleep in Ronnie Anne's arms. That's me. #theloudhouse. It then cuts back to the Comic Book store, as it shows Lincoln looking tired from waiting too long). Bobby: *Angry* I guess I have someone to talk to right now! Said another in a deep, silly voice. Lana: I mean, they're not crackers. # 17. the loud kamen rider by Dratinibro. After looking for a bit, Leni has a nervous look on her face, then goes outside Lincoln's bedroom. Rita, Lynn Sr., and the remaining Loud sisters enter the house. I can't take my sisters' constant meddling, teasing, belittling, and taking me for granted. Then, his sisters start laughing hysterically at him). The TV remote was broken, the toilet was clogged, and both of those incidents have something simillar. Ronnie Anne: (annoyed, while looking to the audience) "Oh boy.". Lana: I've read all of those already. The girls all feel personally guilty for what they had done to their brother, and some even began to cry again. Ronnie Anne: "No problem Mrs. Be-because of them?! What if. Luan put her index finger in Luna's mouth so that she could quiet down and think. Even if we can't go to Gus' Games n' Grub, this would still be a good way to spend time together. Ronnie Anne: "Oh, I was helping Lincoln watch over Lily. I'll be here in a short while anyway! This tastes good and is good for you. A few minutes later, Ronnie Anne is putting the finishing touches on her castle. Luna: Dudes! (All of the sisters are sitting in the living room, all looking depressed. After Lincoln ends up feeling heartbroken and mistreated over a few mistakes he never meant to do to make his friends and family get so mad at him, he decides to run away from home, feeling like he was a bad person from the start he Teams Up With Ginrai and a tall Girl and the team to fight Galvatron But when everyone finds out Lincoln has left due to angry complaints, they decide to bring him back and apologize to him for making him run off. Ronnie Anne: Lincoln, it'll be okay. He knew how close Ronnie was to leaving. Lincoln: "Look at that. Please! Takes place after Helluva Loud Luck. [Lincoln walks into the kitchen, grabs a box of graham crackers from the pantry, and hands it to Lana. LINCOLN: Lori, back me up! "Ready for this?" (The girls snicker again. Another chorus of "Ooo's" could be heard as Ronnie Anne's face reddened. ", Lori: "You know Lincoln, this is good practice for when you and Ronnie Anne have kids. Lincoln & Ronnie Anne Vlog #15: Unboxing Special! She stuttered slightly and punched him in the shoulder. I'm gonna call her tomorrow and tell her that we're broken up. (Later, it shows the girls at the front door of Clyde's house. Lincoln and Ginraiwatch the Unicorn depart for her home in the woods. If my sisters are going to make me the laughingstock for the rest of my life, then I don't think it's worth it. Now Lincoln and Ronne Anne are alone with Lily. Lincoln: There. Ronnie Anne: "Hey! (Lincoln gasps and runs to Lily to make sure she okay, but the girls, except Leni and Luna, attacked him viciously) LINCOLN: (he escapes the carnage) What wrong with you guys? I need to go and have some moment for myself! Leni: Like, remember the time Lincoln tried to be a Girl Guru? Let's get started.". Can you invite your other sisters too? The end. That's the nicest thing you've said to me yet. "What's everywhere?" Hope you all enjoy it! I'll make sure Lincoln won't burn down the house..", Ronnie Anne: (chuckles) "I'm kidding. And we even made Lincoln cry! Luan: If it makes you feel any better, we found out you didn't actually clog the toilet or break the TV remote. The sun was setting, his sisters were behaved, and he was on his way back to his room to read his comics. I mean, what if it will go wrong or somethin'? Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. I know you're around here somewhere. After Bobby turns off the chat, Lincoln comes up to him). And remember when they kicked me out of the van? Lincoln: "Your son took my little sister's blanket when she wasn't looking. Lincoln: Let me tell you girls something. Seeing you two with Lily when we came in? Lincoln: I you fine, Lana. Luna: Yes Dude, and I am really urged to talk to you about something Ronnie: Okay, Come in Lincoln's sister Luna: *Smiles* Nahh dude, just call me Luna, Luna Loud. You have moved to another city- Royal Woods. ", Luna: "Yeah, bro. When they get home, the girls rush inside, as Lincoln slowly heads towards the front door). By: heavy5commando. Ronnie Anne: Yeah man. While Lincolnwraps the Unicorn's human form in a blanket, Ginraistates that the magic He has, not he, chose the form, and promises that he will return her to normal after the quest is complete. And when we do, we have to repay him back for what we did! Lynn: Well, look who's going to the Ace Savvy convention! Inside the house, it shows Bobby and Ronnie Anne watching a movie on the sofa. What are you doing up so late? I had always planned a story where the Loud sisters finally realized what they did to Lincoln was unforgiving, and I wanted to do this story to make them seem more third-dimensional. He sat down at his desk and grabbed some paper to work on his next plan. Ronnie Anne: "Come on, Lily. Lana: Hey, Lincoln? Ronnie Anne: "Shhh, it's okay, Lily. Lily looks at Ronnie Anne, who has a trusting smile on her face. The two stare at each other for a few seconds. They begin to lean closer to each other with their eyes closed and lips puckered. AHAHAHAHA Get it? Ronnie Anne puts Lily in her bed, covers her with her blanket and kisses her forehead. I know it may sound like I'm just whining, but lately it feels like I'm the black sheep of this family. What brings you here? Lincoln loud:we are venom by werewolf259226 17K 142 5 when Lincoln was outside (bad luck) his parents and sisters want to send him to a military to get rid of him but when Lincoln was out side a black slime merge into him. Ronnie Anne: It's alright Linc. Hi, Lana. Afterwords Lincoln wants to spend time with his friends and Family: however, he ends up upsetting them. "Join us", one of them said. Lincoln: They probably would've by now. You looked like a married couple. Bobby: Bro, you got the waterworks. Lincoln: (to the viewer) This may take a while, but I know it'll all be worth it! What happened? It was funny the first time, but that doesn't make it funny the second time! ", Ronnie Anne: "I can help you babysit Lily if you want. She is acting a little bit off due to the lost of their brother Luna: Sigh, *Realizes her mistake* I just, *Sits down on the grass to calm herself* miss my lil' bro. Lincoln: Oh, hi there. (breaks down and cries), (Lincoln could then hear Leni crying in Lori's room, and then the other sisters crying from their rooms on the computer. Downstairs, we see Ronnie Anne heading to the front door. (Suddenly, Lana and Lola stop Lincoln in front of the bathroom). Lori: Hey Boo-Boo Bear! Lola: Yeah! +7 more. Lincoln: "Wow. Lana: Ohhh. A bunch of mavericks, came out of nowhere and pointed their weapons, random appliances at the lovers, in one medium sized circle. Lily takes the baby food in her mouth. If you don't, please read with discretion. Lynn: Hey, where's Lincoln? Lincoln: "Oh, a challenge, huh? Luna: He's gone, He is no more in our house anymore Ronnie Anne: *Shocked* WHAT??? Only we get to do that," Lori defensively told her. "Thank you for the compliment", He replied and hugged her tightly. Then, Luna notices the broken family picture on the floor), (The sisters start to argue again, while Luna takes a closer look at the damage. (Lincoln walks up to Bobby and Ronnie Anne) Lincoln: Bobby, thanks for letting me stay here for the past few days. Luan: *Brings out a pirate hook from nowhere and places it in her hands* Yar! Let's see yours. (The girls are inside, eating their breakfast). Stay tuned for the next chapter! Lily giggles. Please don't tell anyone at school about this.". ", Lincoln and Lily made a better looking castle, Ronnie Anne: "Whoa. Lincoln: (to the viewer) You know what? They arrive at said house and walk inside. "I apologized to . ", Rita: "I'm glad you had fun. Eventually, Lincoln comes up to a front door, and knocks on it. ", Rita: "I'm sorry, sweetie. I don't mind at all. He ruined Leni's birthday cake for Chaz's birthday party. Lisa: I believe there's a 90% chance that Lincoln will mess up at the convention. Rita: (off-screen) Girls! So to let you know, It's a Loud 4x House isn't a Lincoln torment episode, it is an episode where the sisters and brother get to an argument until they decided they will team up and get along to solve the mystery as a family, and Lincoln did pass after taking the test again in the end of Study Muffin. But then, out of the bathroom, comes Lincoln. Luan: And I got all of that on my phone! The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. The brunette female slumped down the wall and covered her face with her hands. We were just-", Leni: "Oh, Lincoln. When she opens the door, she sees Bobby with a wide smile on his face. Lincoln: (as his voice breaks) Come on guys! Sid: Okay, two things, first: That's gross and second: I really feel bad. Bobby and Ronnie Anne watch him from upstairs). ). Watch Now Full Episodes Season 1 Subscribe S1 E1 05/02/16 Left in the Dark/Get the Message Subscribe S1 E2 05/02/16 Well if it isn't my favorite grandaughters! Ronnie Anne: (in a sing-song voice) "Oh Lily?". Rita: "Hello, Ronnie Anne. Open wide." Ronnie Anne moves the spoon close to Lily while making airplane sounds. Luna opened their door and went out and shut it quickly. Leni: So he did all of that for you..? Lori: Alright everyone, let's go get breakfast ready. Lori: Alright Bobby, what did you want to show us? Ronnie Anne cried, clutching a nasty gash in her arm, "I'm sorry!" Ronnie screamed, her crazy, drunk mother bringing the broken glass down on her hand that protected her face. "I think we definitely need to talk." What's wrong?" The storyline belongs to - To break the news to Ronnie Anne and Bobby, - To break the news to Clyde and his two fathers, - To get the letter for the younger ones from Rita Loud, their mom, - To guard Lincoln from everyone who gets in her way, especially Lincoln's bedroom, - Well, its simple To clean Lincoln's bedroom. If your mom ever has another baby, and I'm not trying to jinx it, you'd be an awesome big sister. Lincoln's Justice 25 parts Ongoing Mature After finally getting tired of Lori, Luan and Lynn constantly making his life miserable, Lincoln de. This resulted in its ultimate destruction from the unstable mass of planets it had absorbed. + Ronnie Anne's POV + Lincoln: My sisters were making fun of me today, worse than they had ever done before. If you are under the age of 13, skip this chapter now. Lucy: Lincoln wasn't the one who clogged the toilet. We've looked for Lincoln all day! This is ridiculous! ", Lincoln: "Uh, okay. The animatronic wasn't supposed to do that! So, we're still going to Gus' Games and Grub today? Lynn Sr.: Ah ah ah, I don't wanna hear another word. Lincoln asked. He tries to pull the blanket of it rips almost in half. It wasn't me! Luna: I know lil' dudette! Lincoln gulped, knowing he'd probably end up having to do something embarrassing or nasty. Ronnie Anne walks downstairs, leaving Lincoln with his nine sisters. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne exit the room and close the door. Pop-Pop: Heheh! (Later, it shows Lincoln in the living room, sleeping on the couch with a blanket over him. *Chuckles at her last awfully written statement* Do you agree with me? Find out by reading this! Help yourself. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is. [Lincoln walks Lana upstairs, leaving his bindle on the kitchen floor. Now It was Time For Lincoln to Go Home Ginrai Took Lincoln Into his Truck and Drove Him Home as The sunsets Ginrai Transforms For one Last time He uses his hand to Put Lincoln in his room,Tucks Him In bed and gives Him One Of the comics On Lincoln's Dresser and with That Ginrai Said Goodbye To Lincoln and Transformed once more into his Human Form and Drove off. We're gonna have lots of fun together.". Lincoln and Ronnie Anne were yards away from the house. I made up this story after I watched episodes like It's A 4x Loud House and Sleuth or Consequences. Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. "Alright, Truth or Dare, Ronnie?" Rita: Alright girls, we can save the excitement for later, let's just go and get Lincoln first. Just then, a women in a green dress appears. I am the only boy, so I guess that's to be expected, but I can't help but think that the girls resent me sharing a space with them -like they wanted another girl instead of me. How's my favorite baby? Originally, I was going to make Lincoln forgive the sisters at the end, but I thought that would've seemed un-realistic considering all the hard time they gave him, so I changed to where he doesn't forgive them straight away. I haven't seen Lincoln since Friday. Where's the milk? He mistakenly ruined the flour by running into Ronnie Anne when making a cake for Mrs. Agnes Johnson's birthday. The Syndicate has returned with new members and now it's up to our heroes get new members of their team to stop them from taking over all of their worlds. I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I'm sure I'll remember it in the morning. I was originally going to make only Lincoln's meaner sisters (Lori, Luan, Lynn, Lola, Lisa) give him a hard time, but felt that it wouldn't be as strong. ", The woman was shocked by what she heard. Characters from the Loud House/Casagrandes either shrink or grow in size. Ginrai assures Lincolnthat he has gained much by winning the love of a unicorn, even if he is now alone. Lincoln starts to laugh. What's wrong? Lincoln turns his attention to Ronnie Anne. "I dare you to run around outside screaming 'I'm a pretty little princess'." Can his sisters find a way to get him back? Will it go well? ", Lincoln: "Alright, mom. Lincoln: (laughs) Come on, let's get ready for bed. But then, his sisters stopped her. ", Lana: "Are you gonna have as many kids as mom and dad? ", Luan: "Oh come on. Woman: "I am so sorry my son gave you so much trouble.". Lincoln Loud and Ronnie Anne Santiago get their relationship completed, as mavericks attack their homes and take over the others. For a while, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne play with Lily at the park. Lincoln: Phew! Lincoln Loud feels terrible, the recent misunderstandings with his family have made him doubt his value as a Loud, and, if it were no set 5 years in the Future, Lincoln is a 16 year old still living in the Loud House, which gradually downsized overtime. Because if I find out you were treating Lincoln badly again, I'm breaking up with you. Luna Angrily Yells at Him again and Slams The Door Behind Him Lincoln Just Bursts Into Tears. ", Ronnie Anne: "It was no problem. Now, the last time I tried to go to a convention, my sisters were acting very jerky towards me for 'clogging the toilet', but I'm sure that won't happen again. He runs away but was caught by lynn and luna, who were born with these p After all the hate and mistreat at Ronnie Anne's Party, The family mistreat him at The Loud House Disrespectful, Irresponsible, Hateful, Hypocritical, Ignorance, Unfair Special thanks to my beta: funkl3ss Ronnie Anne started to feel it from all the humping. You want to babysit Lily with me? But if there's anything that's hard to fix, it's the trusts, bonds and love that I had for all of you. Is that alright with you? (The sisters laugh again, as Lincoln groans in frustration). Lincoln is pushing Lily in her carriage, and Ronnie Anne walks beside him. We literally can't tell you how sorry we are for what we did! Luna: You were the last one to use it before we left! She disagrees about the importance of his actions, as they helped them to restore unicorns to the world; though she is the only unicorn to feel regret, she is also the only unicorn to know love. ", Ronnie Anne: "I'll go after him! The two walk to the Loud House together. I have to Babysit Lily. (Lincoln finally had tears running down his cheeks. Lynn Sr.: "Come on girls, leave Lincoln alone.". With her in this guise, the Red Bull is uninterested and departs. Lincoln looks at his sisters nervously. Lily cheers happily as Ronnie Anne hands her the blanket. After the song ends the duo ran offon their own. and His Family becomes so angry They Erupt in a Nuclear Explosion and Calls Lincoln An Outcast Boy Once again ( Much to Ginrai's andLady Amalthea Shock ). *Sits on the couch face to face with Luna* I have a question for you, why is lame-o absent? Lincoln and Ronnie Anne kissed hard as they had started to strip each other of their clothes. ", Ronnie Anne: "Yeah, it's not bad actually. Lincoln and Ronnie Anne have been best friends for a long time and have more than a few amazing memories together. They're cookies. Later, he comes back inside and finds his sisters on the couch watching TV). Lincoln Loud feels guilty for his actions in his previous adventure. Ronnie Anne: You sure miss your brother and sisters don't you. They Go to Lori and Everyone that Lincoln Had Ran Off !After reading the note ,Lynn Sr Coudn't Belive his andconfirms that Lincoln wrote it and everybody is upset and guilty that He's Gone and They Began to Cry But Their Crying Was So Loud That Mr.Grouse was Yelling at Them Because He was Reading. She wears a purple zipper hoodie, jean shorts, a white tank top (in "City . "I know now", Lincoln replied, cuddling her 'till they fell asleep with their sweaty bodies exposed on the bed. Lori knocks on the door, and Bobby answers). I'm impressed.". Lincoln: Oh come on! ", Ronnie Anne: "You bet. "Ronnie, don't lie!" helluvaboss. LORI: No! We realized we blamed you for no reason. I didn't tell any of them about that, but I'm sure they wouldn't have cared if I did. "I was at home looking up pictures of you and me, when those mavericks broke in and wrecked the place. Ronnie Anne: "Her blanket? When the Unicorn nears the seaside castle of King Haggard, the keeper of the Red Bull, she encounters the animal, which turns out to be a monstrousfire elemental. on a game of baseball to another team. Wake up and smell the guilt! (Lincoln rubs his eyes, then slowly smiles at Ronnie Anne. #romance Her friend asked calmly. 11-year-old Lincoln is in the middle of all of the chaos. Lincoln: (to the viewer) Today is a BIG day for me. Lincoln had beamed in sorriness at her expression. She was not, as some might suspect, made of stone, and she did not reject the emotions she felt, she simply kept them to herself. The little boy appears from behind a bush. The Loud House Future [Remake and Continuation]. #fanfiction Lincoln was in shock. Luan: *Knees down and grabs Luna's shoulder* I know this is hard and all considering the fact that we have lost our brother, but we have to keep our hopes up! Ronnie Anne and Lincoln both arrived at Clyde's home at relatively the same time. Lincoln then put his arms around her naked body. Do you think she'll mind? Follow as Lincoln, Luna and the crew of I.M.P go on with their lives in this story and face old family members and some enemies. (Lincoln wakes up to find Ronnie Anne, already dressed, sitting next to him with a plate of bacon and eggs in her hand). She immediately spits it out and it gets on Ronnie Anne's face. Listen, I need you to come home as soon as possible and watch over Lily. (Leni goes to Lincoln's bedroom and knocks on his door), (Leni opens the door, and looks inside for Lincoln. And what's a "graham", anyway? (Rita walks off-screen, and the girls spot Lincoln inside the comic book store), (Luan starts recording with her phone as they walk inside the comic book store, but Lincoln doesn't notice them yet), (Lincoln attempts to tackle the robot, but the Robot springs back up, tumbling Lincoln off the stage). Lynn: Yeah! (to Lily) "I love you my little angel.". Then, Lincoln's crotch bumped into Ronnie Anne's and they looked down at what had happened. Mayor Davis, who looked like Lillie Brinket (Effie Trinket), with her black hair with white streaks. They resumed and off went the underpants on the floor. She runs downstairs and has an angry look on her face). I JUST WANT MY LITTLE BROTHER BACK!!! #theloudhouse. Lincoln and Ronne Anne are angered by this. As they hoped, she like it, and starts eating it. Let's head back to my house.". (The girls rush outside the door, while Lincoln slowly walks towards the van and gets into the front). ", Lincoln: "Whoa! Ronnie Anne: I hope he'll get through this. he eventually gets up, and runs outside the door, past his sisters. He departs to start anew. Lisa: I think she's trying to tell us something. He got Lucy's Princess Pony when it turns out Lucy does not like Princess Pony anymore (afterLincoln confessed he clogged the toilet when it was her and not him). This catches their attention and they notice Lily is a little messy. Carried on the white surf of incoming tides, the other unicorns emerge en masse from the water, causing The Burp and Burger to collapse into the Rubble as they rush past, with The Decepticons Fought Ginrai But Becomes More Bigger with Godbomber into it he Blasts The Decepticons falling to Their death while laughing. KABOOM!!! (Lincoln smiles, as he and Ronnie Anne start to watch TV. 902 8 2. loudhouse, japan, leniloud. I hate seeing you like this. After a few seconds of laughter Lily begins to yawn. When they hear the knock, Bobby goes to answer the door). And Soon The team spends a night in a skiing lodge Where Ginrai Lincoln, and the now-human Unicorn were inside Ginari and Lincoln Gave Her a NameLady Amalthea it was time For Bed Ginrai was inHis pajamas Lincoln was in His pajamas andLady Amalthea was Givin a white shirt from Lincoln and Soon The trio went to sleep In the cabin asLady Amalthea quietly sobs In Her Sleep, Back at Royal Woods Everyone was Feeling so Remorse For Calling Lincoln an Outcast Boy But Then Pop-Pop Arrived at the Loud He was disapointed In Rita, Lynn Sr and the Loud Children For Driving Lincoln Away He Told Them To Get Lincoln Back Home Or Else He will call the Police on Them They Agreed to find Lincoln, Back In the Cabin Everything Seem To Be Quiet Until Then Galvatron and The Decepticons Along with The Red Bull Ariived at the wall The Trio manages to Escape as Ginrai transforms Into His Robot Form And Drove Off in a Hurray at the Beach GinraiLady Amalthea and Lincoln Were Safe But Not For Long when the villans Arrived At The Beach Ginrai Manages To Fight The Decepticons and Red Bull AsLady Amalthea and Lincoln hid in a Cave As Lincoln ExplainedLady Amalthea about his problem andLady Amalthea explain their Problem too She Ran into the Cave, Meanwhile The Loud Family Looked for Lincoln They looked Until They Saw Something at the beach Starscream was Orderd by Galvatron to"kick in the afterburners"overtaking the Trio Before Ginrai Draws Out God Bomberand knocking them out with toxic fumes anddeliver a brutal blow that sends them hurtling into the street below, seemingly defeating them once and for all, A blinding flash confirms their downfall before the Red Bull, and Galvatron andhis Decepticons fled off. Lincoln: Uh, this is Ronnie Anne, my girlfriend. "My Leg!" Tell me everything. You have to go to bed early, without dessert! I say we do ey? Lincoln: Sorry, our whole milk went bad a couple days ago. It had been another great day for Lincoln Loud. Lana: Why do they call them graham crackers? He eventually finished and turned to Ronnie Anne. Lisa: Leni, I haven't even experimented on my inventions since Friday. Lincoln: Eh. Ronnie Anne: "Thanks. Ace Savvy: Aha! You'll give us away, Lily. WHY WOULD YOU LET HIM RUN AWAY LIKE THAT? Lincoln: They're in the pantry. He brings the thread and needle to Ronnie Anne. When Lori's phone rings, she answers it). Before he starts down the stairs, he casts a sad glance towards the other doors in the hall. She then moves move to Ronnie Anne and hugs her. We're all screwed, if there is no hero to save us, so good day and good" But before he could finish, a maverick shot a cannon at the news anchor and cameraman, obliterating them, causing the broadcast to turn static. Free to cause havoc for all Ronnie Anne: "Alright, Lily. Ronnie Anne: Gosh, poor Lincoln. The closest Lucy did was shed tears down her cheeks. ", Lincoln: "Yes, that one. Lincoln: [Sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose] Lemme look it up. We've looked literally everywhere for Lincoln! We have to show Lily that this tastes good.". Leni, can you go and get Lincoln? Luna: *Knocks at the door and waits formally* hmm Ronnie Anne opens the door carelessly and looks up to the newly found but familiar face that she just discovered Ronnie: *Thinks deeply* How May I help--- Wait, are you the rocker in one of Lincoln's sisters? When he tries to leave, the blanket is stuck on the bush. Ronnie Anne had got up a little and looked at the carnage on the screen, shedding a tear or two. "It feels so good." Let's take a look at their friendship timeline that includes their annual. "Ugh, fine. The reason why he took the blame was so I wouldn't be made fun of by all of you. Lori: Oh come on! Got your cracker, got your milk, got your syrup. Luan: Maybe he came back home while we were gone. Lincoln approaches the little boy with a smile. Luna: *Tries to catch up with the accent Luan is wearing* Aye mate! After deciding to be "independent" together, they set out to seek "Fame and Fortune". Ronnie Anne walks over to Lily and comforts her. #romance

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